As a member of Teamsters Union Local 855, the small fee you pay in union dues is a huge investment in the safety and security and of your job and the jobs of your co-workers. You have:
Request Teamsters 855 Health and Welfare Claims Forms (Global Benefits)
Click here to access Claim Request or Change of Beneficiary Forms.
Request Industrial Alliance Pension Forms and Information
IA has resources and tools to help you with your benefits, insurance and retirement.
Visit their website for details.
A Powerful Presence in the Workplace
IN YOUR WORKPLACE there is a support team who guides and supports you and your co-workers. This team includes Shop Stewards and Local Union 855 Representatives. Together they promote fairness in the workplace and empower you to stand up for your rights and benefits.
Your Shop Steward
Shop Stewards are passionate unionized workers, dedicated to counsel and help their co-workers. Their roles involve:
- Being a leader.
- Informing and educating the membership.
- Acting as a spokesperson who defends and unites the membership.
- Maintaining good relationships between the members and the employer.
- Ensuring that Labour Laws and your Collective Bargaining Agreement are respected.
Your Union Representative
Teamsters Union Local 855 Reps are also part of your support team. They support the Shop Stewards and provide other services to you and your co-workers. The responsibilities of your Union Reps include:
- Being experts in labour relations.
- Having access to lawyers, accountants, Worker Compensation consultants and all the resources needed to defend and protect you.
- Resolving labour disputes and negotiating Collective Agreements.
- Conducting membership or craft meetings and listening to you and following up on your concerns.
Membership in a Diverse Group
You are part of a multi-cultural, multi-industry union with a vast collective knowledge and expertise. As a member of Local 855 you support equality among members. That includes efforts to close the gender gap and support employment equity for women, for indigenous workers, for youth, for the disabled, and for immigrants.
Your Teamsters Union Local 855 is recognized across the province for our commitment to the rights of our members and for fighting hard until the employer signs a Collective Agreement that you believe is fair.
We understand the importance of protecting your job so that you can plan for the future and provide for your loved ones. Having a strong union like Teamsters Union Local 855 behind you means that you can demand fairness in the workplace and still feel secure.
On average, a full-time union worker in Newfoundland and Labrador earns 22% more in hourly earnings than a non-union worker. As a member of Teamsters Union Local 855 you will earn higher wages and bargain for regular pay through your Collective Bargaining Agreement.
A portion of the union dues you pay every month are invested, when necessary, in making sure you are represented by an expert legal team! If a legal battles with your employer arises, your lawyer fees are covered — Teamsters Union Local 855 will take you through it.
Fairness in Vacation and other Leave
As part of Teamsters Union Local 855, your shifts, overtime, vacation and sick leave are negotiated, voted on, and guaranteed in your Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Your Rights Matter
You have a right to fair treatment on the job. As a member, if you feel you or a co-worker has been treated unfairly on the job you should contact your Shop Steward or Business Agent for support and if necessary help in filing a complaint or grievance.
Request a Grievance Form
1. Request an Agent and/or
2. Request a Grievance Form
Group Discounts
As a member of Teamsters Union Local 855 you have access to a range of group discounts for goods and services. Click here
When Teamsters Union Local 855 negotiates for you with your employer, you can trust that they will bring you the kind of deal you want. Our Business Agents are skilled at negotiating Collective Bargaining Agreements with employers that you can be confident will include fair wages and benefits that you deserve.