How do I join the Union?
Teamwork is the best way to create equal opportunity and security in the workplace. When we stand together, we have a stronger voice in the workplace. When Teamsters Union Local 855 bargains on your behalf, you can expect workplace equality and more security for you and your family.
Find out more about how we can help you improve your work situation. Use the form below to contact us in confidence. Our job is to listen and to make sure your voice is heard.
Ready to Sign Now
Yes I want to stand together with my co-workers and Teamsters Local 855 to have a voice at work to demand fair wages, benefits and working conditions. My signature strengthens our Union. Together we can improve our jobs and our lives.
Download Your Membership Application card HERE.
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- Contact Teamsters Local 855 now!
- It is time for change. You are not alone.
- We will stand with you and fight for your rights.
- There is no better time to start than today.
The form below is a request for more information. It is NOT a commitment to take further action.
Contact us with full confidence that this is confidential. You are protected under Canadian Labour Law. You and your co-workers have a right to ask for more. You have a right to contact a union. You have a right to organize.
Information Request